Я просто оставлю это здесь, чтобы перечитывать и страдать как гребаный мазохист.
Осторожно, под катом большой кусок комикса без перевода (хотя, может, когда-нибудь я его сюда запилю) и со спойлерами. Наверное. Если вообще что-то понятно.
GG: I explored the moon, and began to notice people gathering in the streets.
GG: But they weren't human. They were funny looking, perfectly white creatures.
GT: Yeah those are prospitians.
GT: They have these hard carapace shells and also have something to do with chess i think?
GG: Well, I don't know if they had much to do with chess here.
GG: The more closely I observed, the more they appeared somewhat despondent.
GT: Like...
GT: Sad?
GG: Yes.
GG: I determined they were in mourning, actually.
GT: Hey.
GT: Jane you said i was in this dream. Where do i come in?
GG: Shoosh! I'm getting there.
GG: More and more Prospitians were filing out of the buildings every moment.
GG: They all began to form a single, major procession.
GG: When I got closer, I could see that some were in tears.
GG: I realized this was a funeral.
GG: I heard whispers, but couldn't make out what they were saying, so I got closer.
GG: They were all saying the same thing, over and over.
GG: "The Page is dead."
GG: "Our hope is lost."
GT: The page?
GT: Whos that?
GG: Jake.
GG: The Page was you.